Diseño conceptual del núcleo de un reactor compacto. / Conceptual design of a compact nuclear core.

Vignolo, Ramiro (2014) Diseño conceptual del núcleo de un reactor compacto. / Conceptual design of a compact nuclear core. Proyecto Integrador Ingeniería Nuclear, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro.

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Resumen en español

Debido al reciente impulso que han tenido tanto las facilidades subcríticas como los reactores de baja potencia por parte de IAEA se propone el diseño y estudio de un reactor de estas características. En esta tesis se describe el diseño conceptual del núcleo de un reactor compacto de baja potencia, refrigerado por agua en circulación natural y parcialmente reflejado por Berilio, formado por combustibles típicamente utilizados por la empresa INVAP S.E. (MTR o tipo placa) de bajo enriquecimiento y dispuestos en una geometría aproximadamente cilíndrica. El diseño abarca tanto consideraciones neutrónicas como termohidráulicas permitiendo, a futuro, realizar una completa realimentación termohidr áulica. Para la realización de lo anteriormente descripto se comparó con la performance de los reactores MNSR (Miniature Neutron Source Reactors) dado que estos corresponder ían a la principal competencia. Finalmente, para poder llevar a cabo los análisis neutrónicos se utilizó la línea de cálculo usualmente utilizada por INVAP, que se corresponde con el código de celda CONDOR y el de núcleo CITVAP, juntamente con las bibliotecas de secciones eficaces Helios y esin2001. Por otra parte, los cálculos termohidráulicos se realizaron principalmente mediante CONVEC.

Resumen en inglés

Due to the recent momentum that low-power reactors have had, the design and study of a reactor of this type is proposed. In this thesis the conceptual design of a compact, low-power, pool type, cooled by natural circulation of water and partially reflected by beryllium nuclear reactor core is described. The core is made up of 80 plate-type fuel elements (LEU) arranged in an approximately cylindrical geometry. This type of fuel element, made up of U3Si2 (19.7%) dispersed in an aluminum matrix, is commonly used by INVAP S.E. and that is why it has been selected. However, this fuel does not consist in several fuel plates joined by a frame, but it consist in a unique plate. In order to design an useful fuel, neutronic, thermal-hydraulic and mechanical considerations has been taken into account. To carry out the above considerations, the performance of the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) was also taken into account, since this reactor would be the competition. Finally, to perform the neutronic analysis, the INVAP’s Nuclear Calculation System was used: a cell code CONDOR (together with esin2001 and Helios nuclear data libraries) and a reactor code CITVAP. In the other hand, the thermal-hydraulic calculation was carried out mainly through CONVEC.

Tipo de objeto:Tesis (Proyecto Integrador Ingeniería Nuclear)
Información Adicional:Materia específica: Neutrónica
Palabras Clave:Design; Diseño; Beryllium; Berilio; MTR reactor; Reactor MTR; MNSR type reactors; Reactores de tipo MNSR; Natural convection; Convección natural; [Low power reactor; Reactor de baja potencia; Low enriched; Bajo enriquecimiento; CONDOR; CITVAP; CONVEC]
Referencias:[1] IAEA. Research Reactors Data Base, 2014. 2 [2] Cheverton, R. D. Reactor Desing and Feasibility Problem: High Flux Research Reactor. Inf. t´ec., OAK Ridge School of Reactor Technology, 1956. 2 [3] Villarino, E., Doval, A. Invap’s Research Reactor Designs. Inf. t´ec., INVAP S.E., September 2010. 3 [4] IGORR. Technical meeting on low power research reactors, November 2014. Joint IGORR 2014/ IAEA Technical Meeting in Bariloche, Argentina. 4 [5] Matos, J. Best practice analyses supporting conversion of research reactors from highly enriched uranium fuel to low enriched uranium fuel – the case of miniature neutron source reactors, June 2012. Unpublished. 4, 12, 52 [6] Omar, H. Experimental and operational validation of burn-up calculations for the Syrian MNSR. Inf. t´ec., Atomic Energy Commission, Nuclear Engineering Department, 2010. 4, 5 [7] U.S. Department of Energy. Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors Program, 2014. 6 [8] Matos, J., Bretscher, M. M. Neutronic performance of high-density LEU fuels in water-moderated and water-reflected research reactors. Inf. t´ec., Argonne National Laboratory, 1996. 9 [9] Mochi, I. Invap’s Nuclear Calculation System. Inf. t´ec., INVAP S.E., August 2010. 10, 11 [10] Lamarsh, J. R. Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company INC, 1966. 13, 49 [11] Bazzana, S., M´arquez, I. RA-6 Reactor: Water reflected, water moderated U(19.77)3Si2-Al fuel plates. Inf. t´ec., CNEA, 2012. 13 [12] Bazzana, S. Desarrollo, an´alisis y evaluaci´on de experimentos neutr´onicos en el RA-6. Proyecto Fin de Carrera, Instituto Balseiro, Marzo 2012. 13 [13] Duderstadt, J. J. Nuclear Reactor Analysis. John Wiley and Sons INC, 1942. 45 [14] ldel chick, I. E. Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance. See CONVEC manual. 57 [15] White, F. Fluid Mechanics. McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering, 2000. 57
Materias:Ingeniería nuclear > Ingeniería de reactores
Código ID:467
Depositado Por:Marisa G. Velazco Aldao
Depositado En:06 Oct 2014 12:06
Última Modificación:15 Oct 2014 10:38

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