Retroacción dinámica en resonadores optomecánicos basados en espejos de Bragg / Dynamical backaction in DBR-based optomechanical resonators

Sesin, Pablo E. (2023) Retroacción dinámica en resonadores optomecánicos basados en espejos de Bragg / Dynamical backaction in DBR-based optomechanical resonators. Tesis Doctoral en Física, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro.

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Resumen en español

Los resonadores optomecánicos semiconductores se han convertido en una plataforma de interés para el estudio y desarrollo de sistemas de tecnologías cuánticas. Estos sistemas permiten investigar la interacción entre la luz y los grados de libertad mecánicos, la retroacción que estos ejercen y diversos fenómenos resultantes de este acoplamiento. Los avances en las técnicas de fabricación e ingeniería han posibilitado el desarrollo de distintos tipos de arquitecturas, que van más allá de simples transductores, amplificadores, emisores y detectores. Algunas áreas clave de investigación y aplicaciones para los resonadores optomecánicos semiconductores incluyen: (i) Procesamiento de información cuántica: Estos resonadores sirven como interfaces luz-materia para el intercambio de información entre diversos dispositivos de estado sólido. Esto es particularmente valioso en el desarrollo de sistemas de comunicación cuántica y arquitecturas de computación cuántica. (ii) Optomecánica cuántica: El estudio de los resonadores optomecánicos permite la observación y manipulación de estados coherentes en escalas macroscópicas mediante la interacción de la luz con osciladores mecánicos. Esto ayuda a comprender mejor la naturaleza cuántica de objetos macroscópicos y explorar el límite entre la mecánica clásica y cuántica. (iii) Fenómenos no lineales: Los resonadores optomecánicos semiconductores pueden exhibir una serie de fenómenos no lineales, como biestabilidad optomecánica y autooscilación, que pueden ser útiles para desarrollar dispositivos novedosos y explorar nueva física en el régimen cuántico. (iv) Aplicaciones de sensores: Estos resonadores pueden emplearse como sensores de alta precisión para medir fuerza, masa o aceleración, con posibles aplicaciones en campos como la biotecnología, la vigilancia ambiental y la ingeniería aeroespacial. (v) Peines de frecuencia óptica: Los resonadores optomecánicos semiconductores pueden generar peines de frecuencia óptica, que son fundamentales para aplicaciones como la espectroscop ía, la metrología y la comunicación óptica. Las estructuras dieléctricas periódicas, que surgieron a finales de la década de 1980, dieron lugar al desarrollo de los reflectores distribuidos de Bragg (DBR) y microcavidades semiconductoras. Estos dispositivos pueden fabricarse utilizando pozos cuánticos semiconductores, lo que resulta en una modificación significativa de la emisión de estados electrónicos confinados. En tales sistemas, los polaritones excitónicos de cavidad desempeñan un papel crucial en la interacción entre la luz y los grados de libertad mecánicos, permitiendo el estudio de fenómenos cuánticos y optomecánicos en escalas macroscópicas. Las microcavidades ópticas basadas en la familia de semiconductores de GaAs y AlAs, diseñadas para confinar la luz en el rango de cientos de THz, son a la vez sistemas que confinan de manera óptima vibraciones en el rango de GHz, en la misma longitud de onda que la luz y con una distribución localizada similar. Como consecuencia, estos sistemas presentan un rol de candidato pujante para combinar la física de los polaritones de cavidad, la condensación de Bose-Einstein y la emisión de fotones únicos, con fenómenos novedosos de optomecánica como emisión estimulada de sonido, enfriamiento láser, sincronización de grados de libertad mecánicos, rigidez inducida por luz, entre otros. Además, cabe mencionar que estos sistemas han mostrado una gran capacidad para operar con frecuencias mecánicas récord, alcanzando cientos de GHz que se establecen por diseño. Este aspecto es de interés ante los considerables esfuerzos por aumentar las frecuencias mecánicas de trabajo en sistemas optomecánicos de estado solido. Más aún, una gran variedad de estos sistemas involucran vibraciones coherentes originadas superficialmente (SAW) y en forma volumétrica (BAW), excitados de manera simultánea tanto ópticamente como de manera eléctrica mediante dispositivos piezoeléctricos convenientemente diseñados. En este trabajo, se investiga la naturaleza de la interacción entre la luz y las vibraciones confinadas en busca de observar efectos de retroalimentación dinámica en estos resonadores. Para ello, se evalúan efectos de presión de radiación, donde la luz fuerza mecánicamente al sistema al reflejarse en cada interfaz. Por otro lado, se evalúan los fenómenos térmicos en los cuales el intercambio optomecánico involucra efectos de expansión térmica durante procesos de absorción de fotones. Se discuten las consecuencias de la electrostricción, donde la presencia de vibraciones modifica las propiedades dieléctricas del sistema, modificando así el escenario para la luz. Más aun, se investigan procesos optoelectrónicos donde la absorción de fotones perturba niveles electrónicos del semiconductor que también influyen en la excitación y detección de vibraciones. Se demuestra que todos ellos son esenciales en la búsqueda de no linealidades y de efectos de retroalimentación cuando diferentes ingredientes son puestos en juego experimentalmente. Una vez cuantificados los diversos mecanismos, se centra en la mediación de polaritones de cavidad en el acoplamiento optomecánico, marcando la ruta para operar con energías ópticas en sintonía con las resonancias electrónicas de los semiconductores. Estos mediadores amplifican el acoplamiento optomecánico debido al carácter resonante del mecanismo de potencial de deformación. En segundo lugar, brindan protección a procesos de decoherencia e incluso evidencian efectos de protección en la vida media de los fotones al trabajar a bajas temperaturas, amplificando la interacción varios ´ordenes de magnitud respecto a una condición de excitación no resonante. Por último, se presenta un prototipo de ingeniería de potenciales ópticos. Estos potenciales son generados mediante excitación óptica en estructuras planares. Con ello se amplifica la interacción fotón-fonón a niveles sin precedentes en estos sistemas, operando a temperatura ambiente. Se demuestra experimentalmente la presencia de efectos de retroalimentación dinámica, evidenciando efectos de enfriamiento óptico de fonones de 180 GHz hasta 170 K por debajo de temperatura ambiente, trazando nuevos métodos para el desarrollo de sistemas optomecánicos que operen frecuencias mecánicas en el rango de centenas de GHz, con perspectivas para el desarrollo de redes y sistemas de tecnologías cuánticas.

Resumen en inglés

Semiconductor optomechanical resonators indeed offer exciting opportunities for the exploration and development of quantum technologies. These devices bring together the realms of photonics and mechanics by coupling light with mechanical motion. The complex interplay between these two domains gives rise to intriguing physical phenomena and new functionalities that can be harnessed for various applications. Advancements in material science, nanofabrication techniques, and device engineering have enabled the creation of diverse optomechanical resonator architectures, which have expanded their use beyond conventional roles such as transducers, amplifiers, emitters, and detectors. These novel designs can be tailored to achieve specific functionalities, allowing for a wide range of applications in both classical and quantum information processing. Research in semiconductor optomechanical resonators spans several key areas: Quantum state control is one of these critical areas, where the aim is to control and manipulate the quantum states of both light and mechanical motion. The primary focus is on generating and preserving quantum entanglement, squeezing, and coherence. These capabilities play an essential role in quantum information processing tasks such as quantum communication, quantum computing, and quantum sensing. Nonlinear dynamics also play a significant role in this field. The coupling between light and mechanical motion in optomechanical resonators can lead to rich nonlinear dynamics. These can be harnessed for various applications, including signal processing, frequency conversion, and even chaos-based cryptography. Another important area of study is cooling and thermodynamics, with the development of techniques for achieving ultralow temperatures for mechanical resonators through studying cooling mechanisms in optomechanical systems. This aspect is particularly crucial for reaching the quantum ground state and observing quantum effects at macroscopic scales. The field is also interested in hybrid systems, where optomechanical resonators are integrated with other quantum systems like superconducting circuits or atomic ensembles. This allows for the realization of hybrid quantum devices that can leverage the advantages of each individual system. This integration can potentially lead to enhanced performance and novel functionalities for quantum information processing. Lastly, optomechanical resonators also have promising applications in sensing and metrology. Their high sensitivity to external forces and fields makes them ideal for sensing applications. By leveraging quantum effects, it is possible to achieve unprecedented levels of sensitivity and precision in the measurement of forces, accelerations, and fields. The ongoing exploration of semiconductor optomechanical resonators is not only revealing new insights into the fundamental physics of light-matter interactions but also paving the way for innovative quantum technologies with far-reaching implications in information processing, communication, sensing, and beyond. The late 1980s saw the rise of an exciting idea in the field of photonics: the control of electromagnetic fields in solid-state systems using periodic spatial modulations of their optical properties. This proposal was inspired by the analogy between the behavior of photons in periodic structures and electrons in periodic potentials, such as those found in crystal lattices. In both cases, the periodic modulation results in the formation of bandgaps, where certain energy states are forbidden for either electrons or photons. Thus, distributed Bragg reflectors consist of alternating layers of materials with different refractive indices, arranged in a periodic pattern. When light encounters a DBR, constructive interference occurs between the reflected light waves at each interface, leading to high reflectivity. This high reflectivity can be designed to occur over a specific range of wavelengths, known as the photonic bandgap. The invention of Distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) and semiconductor microcavities has had a profound impact on the field of photonics and optoelectronics, enabling the realization of a wide range of novel devices with superior performance and functionalities. Semiconductor microcavities based on DBRs are formed by sandwiching an active layer or cavity between two DBR mirrors. The DBRs confine light within the cavity, which results in strong light-matter interactions and the enhancement of various optical processes. These microcavities have found numerous applications in optoelectronics, including lasers, LEDs, modulators, and sensors. Semiconductor quantum wells can indeed be embedded within microcavities, leading to unique properties and interesting physical phenomena. Quantum wells are thin layers of semiconductor material sandwiched between two layers of a different semiconductor material with a larger bandgap. These structures confine electrons and holes in the direction perpendicular to the layers, leading to discrete energy states and modified emission properties. The strong coupling regime emerges as a particularly captivating facet of microcavity physics. It facilitates the probing and excitation of phonon states via the excitonic element of polaritons. This fascinating characteristic permits lightdriven manipulation of phonon states at energies close to electronic resonances without impacting the microcavity’s quality factor negatively. Consequently, the strong coupling regime harbors vast potential for diverse fields such as optoelectronics, quantum information processing, and the foundational study of light-matter interactions. Optical microcavities based on the GaAs (gallium arsenide) and AlAs (aluminum arsenide) family of semiconductors indeed offer unique opportunities for hybrid optomechanical resonators. These systems have the ability to confine light in the range of hundreds of terahertz (THz) and mechanical vibrations in the gigahertz (GHz) range, both at similar wavelengths and with localized distributions. This combination of properties has led to a wide range of fascinating optomechanical phenomena and applications. Several key features and phenomena make focusing on hybrid optomechanical resonators potentially intriguing. The strong coupling between photons and excitons in these microcavities gives rise to hybrid light-matter quasiparticles known as cavity polaritons. Under certain conditions, these polaritons can condense into a single macroscopic quantum state akin to a Bose-Einstein condensate, leading to captivating quantum effects. Moreover, these systems can be engineered to emit single photons, a property crucial for applications in quantum communication and information processing. Optomechanical interactions within these systems can be exploited to cool mechanical resonators to ultra-low temperatures, potentially enabling the observation of quantum effects at macroscopic scales. Additionally, the optomechanical coupling within these resonators can potentially synchronize the motion of multiple mechanical degrees of freedom, opening up potential new opportunities in sensing and signal processing. These hybrid optomechanical resonators have demonstrated the ability to operate at record mechanical frequencies, reaching hundreds of GHz by design. This capability is of particular interest given the ongoing efforts to increase the mechanical frequencies in solid-state optomechanical systems. Furthermore, these devices can take advantage of coherent surface-originated and volumetrically generated vibrations, which can be excited both optically, and electrically using piezoelectric elements. In this thesis, the focus is on investigating the nature of the interaction between light and confined vibrations in optomechanical resonators, particularly in the context of dynamical backaction effects. Several mechanisms and phenomena are examined to understand how they contribute to the observed behavior of the system. Indeed, these mechanisms are crucial in understanding the complex behavior of optomechanical resonators and how light interacts with the confined vibrations in these systems. The force exerted by light on the mechanical system when it is reflected at each interface is known as radiation pressure. It can lead to mechanical displacements and oscillations, which in turn can influence the optical properties of the resonator. Additionally, thermal phenomena play a significant role due to the optomechanical exchange involving thermal expansion effects. When photons are absorbed by the system, local heating occurs, which can cause changes in both the dimensions and the mechanical properties of the resonator. Further, the presence of mechanical vibrations can modify the dielectric properties of the system by electrostriction, altering the optical behavior. This effect occurs when the mechanical strain influences the polarization of the material, leading to changes in its refractive index and other optical properties. Also, The absorption of photons can perturb the electronic levels of the semiconductor, which can influence the excitation and detection of mechanical vibrations. This interaction between the optical and electronic properties of the system adds another layer of complexity to the overall optomechanical behavior. The mediation of cavity polaritons in optomechanical coupling offers a promising approach to operating with optical energies tuned to the electronic resonances of semiconductors. Cavity polaritons, being hybrid light-matter quasiparticles formed by the strong coupling of photons and excitons, provide two main advantages in optomechanical systems demonstrated: (i) enhancement and amplification of photoelastic optomechanical coupling: When the optical energy is resonant with the cavity polaritons, the photoelastic optomechanical coupling can be enhanced and amplified by several orders of magnitude compared to non-resonant excitation conditions. This enhanced coupling can lead to stronger interactions between light and mechanical vibrations, enabling new phenomena and improved device performance; (ii) protection against decoherence processes: cavity polaritons can help prevent decoherence processes associated with absorption, which is particularly relevant when operating at low temperatures. By mediating the interaction between light and the semiconductor, cavity polaritons can protect the lifetime of photons, resulting in higher quality factors and better overall performance of the optomechanical resonator. To conclude, this research presents an engineering prototype of optical potentials in planar structures generated by laser excitation, which significantly enhances the photon-phonon interaction in these systems, even at room temperature. By leveraging the strong optomechanical coupling, the presence of dynamical backaction effects is experimentally demonstrated, which results in cooling effects of 180 GHz phonons down to about 170 K below room temperature. This groundbreaking work opens up new avenues for the development of optomechanical systems operating at mechanical frequencies in the range of hundreds of GHz. Such systems have significant potential in the advancement of networks and quantum technologies. The ability to control and manipulate high-frequency mechanical vibrations using light can lead to innovative devices and applications in quantum information processing, sensing, and communication.

Tipo de objeto:Tesis (Tesis Doctoral en Física)
Palabras Clave:Polaritons; Polaritones; [Optomechanics; Optomecánica; Optoelectronics; Optoelectrónica; Cavity; Cavidad]
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Materias:Física > Optomecánica en cavidades
Divisiones:Gcia. de área de Investigación y aplicaciones no nucleares > Gcia. de Física > Materia condensada > Laboratorio de fotónica y optoelectrónica
Código ID:1219
Depositado Por:Marisa G. Velazco Aldao
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